Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Web Design Project 2: Index

This is how far I've got in the past 2 days from knowing nothing about CSS/HMTL coding or Dreamweaver. Its still a bit rough around the edges, for instance the text still needs formatting and the blue box to be re-sized. However my breakthrough moments were when I got everything to remain centered and having a double roll over image onto one image.

Index Page.

Cowboys 'Rollover'.
Indians 'Rollover'.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Question is... you feel lucky, punk?

This is for my website project on Cowboys in film. Enjoy!

Monday, 18 February 2013

I Love Gold!

As a race we have a global obsession with gold; genocide, theft, murder all follow in gold's wake throughout history. The aim of my project it to understand and highlight why it is that we obsess over a shiny metal. 

Monday, 11 February 2013

'Wing a tit in there...'

Gavin Free

This idea came from the Roosterteeth podcast no.203. Really funny back and forth with Babara.

A bit of 'Life Drawing'

2 minute heads.
I call it 'Life Drawing' but its from photo's under a time limit rather than real people posing infront of me. Can't imagine how much that would cost for 30 different models. Anywhoo I use which sets class sessions; they help me get into the swing of things when I'm about to start drawing, got the idea from Nick White who draws as many weird and wonderful heads before breakfast.
If you'd like to see Nick's work..

Quick 'thrashy' sketchs each 30 sec.